Library Services for Film

LIBR 220-03 Summer 2009
Professor Nancy Goldman
School of Library and Information Science-San Jose State University
By: Megan DeTour

Introduction to the field

David Lynch erupted on the cinema landscape in the 1970’s with his unique and imaginative voice. He has built a body of work known for surrealism, dreamscapes, nightmarish images, and erotic passions. Many of his films are told in a non-linear, often dream like manner. David Lynch is known to delve deeply into the complex minds of his characters who often struggle with innocence lost, foreboding darkness, troubled pasts and a tendency to confuse who they are and in what realm they may or may not be in at any given moment.

David Lynch has remained true to a voice that sees the world in a fascinating, often darkly funny and absurd way. His films are hypnotic, beautiful, yet twistingly dangerous and addictive. The stories Lynch tell stay in the minds of viewers long after they’ve left the theatre. His images often provoke an unease, an itch that rings deep within the mind, asking, almost seducing the viewer to question and delve deeper into the glorious labyrinth that is the world of David Lynch.

David Lynch has inspired many and has created, through his work in film, painting and music, a cult following of sorts that continue to re-visit, discuss and re-view his works of art again and again.